- Who We Are
- About Broward College Foundation
- Board of Directors
- Board Meeting Schedule
- Alumni & Friends Network
- Upcoming Events
- Why Give
- American Dream Scholarship
- Points of Pride
- Donor/Alumni/Student Videos
- "Inspiring Lives" Stories
The Broward College Foundation accepts both publicly traded securities and closely held securities.
For more information, download and review our Charitable Gift Acceptance Policies or view our stock information below. To make a contribution in support of an existing scholarship or college program or to establish a named annual or endowed scholarship fund with a gift of stock, call 954-201-7414 to schedule an appointment with one of our Major Gifts Officers.
Stock Transfer Instructions
Memo To: OCIO Client Service Team, Fund Evaluation Group
Phone: 513-977-4400 (FEG)
Fax: 513-806-2217 (FEG)
To Transfer Securities
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
DTC#: 0164
Account#: 7719-3184
Account Name: Broward College Foundation, Inc.
Contact at Broward College Foundation:
Scott Rivinius
Phone: 954-201-7490