News | Broward College Office of Advancement and Broward College Foundation
Broward College Foundation

In the News

Broward College Receives Transformational Gift Of $30 Million From MacKenzie Scott

June 16, 2021

Community colleges were designed to increase access to educational opportunities by removing geographic and economic barriers for all in the community. We self-audited and recognized that despite all we have accomplished, we remained inaccessible and unaffordable to many, therefore not fulfilling...

Lockheed Martin donates Sikorsky S-76A Helicopter to Broward College

June 8, 2021

Thanks to an in-kind donation valued at more than $500,000 from Lockheed Martin to the Emil Buehler Aviation Institute, students pursuing careers in avionics and aviation maintenance will gain hands-on experience via access to a new Sikorsky S-76A helicopter at Broward...

Broward College named as Finalist with Distinction among the nation’s top community colleges

May 18, 2021

The Aspen Institute has named Broward College as a Finalist with Distinction for this year’s Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. The Aspen Prize is the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement among America’s community colleges, and Broward College has consistently...

Community commitment to fighting ongoing challenge of COVID-19.

May 7, 2021

We are incredibly grateful for the generous support of PPE over the past year from those in our community committed to stepping up to the ongoing challenge of fighting COVID-19. These donations of KN95 masks, gloves, face shields, gowns, and cloth...

2021-2022 Endowed Teaching Chairs Announced

April 22, 2021

Seven Broward College professors learned they were recipients of an Endowed Teaching Chair award for the 2021-2022 academic year during a special faculty meeting on Friday, April 16. The recipients were recognized for their excellence in the classroom and will receive...

33rd Golf Classic Raises Nearly $94,000 for the Empowerment Fund

April 21, 2021

The Broward College 33rd Golf Classic at the Fort Lauderdale Country Club raised nearly $94,000 in support of Broward College Empowerment Fund.  The Empowerment Fund provides the greatest flexibility for facilitating programming and scholarship support to benefit students, as well as...

Broward College Foundation Welcomes Four New Members to Board of Directors

February 26, 2021

The Broward College Foundation appointed Merrill Lynch – Alexis Wealth Management Group wealth management advisor Alix Alexis; retired Memorial Healthcare System senior vice president and chief medical officer Dr. Stanley Marks; Franklin Templeton Investments senior strategic advisor Gregory E. McGowan; and...

Gardening for Good Teaching Garden

February 25, 2021

Thanks to support from the Gardening for Good Fund at the Community Foundation of Broward, students in Broward College’s Environmental Science Bachelor of Science program have been able to cultivate a “Teaching Garden” on the A. Hugh Adams Central Campus. This...

Office of Advancement Team openings

February 18, 2021

The newly formed Engagement Department within the Office of Advancement at Broward College has recently opened two positions;  a newly created Manager, Marketing and Communications position, and Alumni Engagement Manager. The Engagement Department was created to provide targeted support of annual...

Helios Education Foundation First Generation Scholars Highlighted

February 5, 2021

Helios Education Foundation has launched a website dedicated to celebrating and highlighting the inspirational stories of their 2019-2020 Helios Education Foundation First-Generation Scholars. Annually, Helios Education Foundation, along with partner colleges and universities throughout Florida, shape the kind of impact that...